Monday, December 7, 2009

A few thoughts and feelings

I realise that my last publishing was already 4 weeks ago...I have not abandonned my blog though...but spent more time at looking at others blogs and sometimes commenting. Also very impressed by Michael's work on his Blog.

I am also aware as I hope all of us are, of the significance of the times: the walk against Global Warming on the 12th , walk that I'll miss, because you know sadness about the hopelessness of our goverment leaders, blinded by short term views and victims of powerful corporative lobbies... the division of people about these issues ..etc..etc...

I do not know if you have read the documents that David indicated to us in his "farewell" address on our '' blog. I find it challenging to read but I concentrated on the addend to the Manifesto: 'Strategies to implement the Evolution Manifesto' where practical views are presented.. It would be interesting to have a group discussion about this even though I find it to be very new grounds of thoughts and also of opinion that, as David pointed out, not everyone would share.

I remember him saying that he considered to give these ideas as a base for the Creative thinking module next year. A challenging task David...I assume you would consider the realm of Art to apply the fundamental idea of a new direction to evolution. To do this, I think you would have to explore with your students not only the cognitive realm but also that other realm, still elusive: consciousness. John Stewart mentions meditation, living in the present moment, thus opening the door to the intelligence of the heart and a quality of vision that could be transcribed as a work of Art. This common search could also lead to find new ideas to give direction to the future.

On a more personal basis, I am working on a watercolour painting about  regrowth after bushfire. It is not easy and it will take another week or so to finish it. Doing it just connects me again with art work and its difficult process and I wish we could still be altogether to share our efforts, ideals and warm support.

Christmas time is not conducing to this and I know everyone is involved in their specific activities which may not be amenable  to creativity. I am looking forward to the 4th January and I hope all of us can make the most of the present time


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